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conscious impact design

One Simple Program for Everyday Sustainability & Wellbeing in Designed Environments

the EVERYDAY sustainable ENVIRONMENTS program



What is NEEDED now?

Change is needed for the future of our next generation.



With the political, environmental and social 

climate of today, educational institutions need to address today's culture with an eye on the future. More so, they need to provide a culture of wellbeing, acceptance, and compassion to address mental health today while creating environments that educate and speak to their student's sustainable futures. 

Design Veritas develops the school's culture of sustainability and wellbeing through collaborations, programs and the designed environment, with a focus           on design and behavioral psychology. We design beyond the four walls to create a culture and experience for awareness and growth. 

Image by Brooke Cagle
Climate Change Banners



The next generation of parents and students are looking for institutions that are

mission based with a purpose and address social, wellebing and environmental issues while preparing students for a world of technology. Using our Conscious Sustainability Standard, we provide the most current ideas and innovations and use the checklist to ensure we are interconnecting humanity, sustainability and technology for the future. Through culture, we bridge the gap between student engagement and the institution's mission; between student wellbeing and opportunity; toward future sustainability and resiliency.


the program

Everyday Sustainable Learning Environments


research + strategy

At Design Veritas, we research the most current concepts and innovative ideas to help shape an educational institution's vision for human and environmental sustainability and wellbeing. We use the Conscious Sustainability Standard as a framework before the designing process.


resourcefulness + efficient


opportunity + connectivity


empowered + inspired


accountable + purposeful

We provide design, programs and solutions for resources, cost efficiency, waste reduction, and simplified spaces.

Our team provides design of space, programs and brainstorming workshops. These workshops help create opportunities for innovation and connectivity between the school's mission, faculty and  students.

We provide design, programs and innovative ideas for student wellbeing, creativity, and growth aligned with the school's vision.

We celebrate accountability through metrics and goal achievement; and  purpose driven initiatives. We highlight creativity and innovation to improve school culture, branding and continue the circle of success.

Girls in School Uniform

an opportunity for

 sustainability learning in the designed 

environment for the next 


The LEARN Program

We focus on bringing this program to where the building and campus become a learning living lab for sustainability awareness, education and best practices. This program is of the utmost importance to educate the next generation in their well and sustainable future. 

We also work with the          institution's sustainability curriculum to ensure what is being taught is a part of the sustainability and wellbeing vision, mission and branding. We  incorporate and empower the students as a head start to the role they will play in their future. Their environment becomes a sustainable learning

experience with their wellbeing at the core.

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Strategy & Masterplan Consulting

Everyday Sustainable Environments

Created Impact 

Design Veritas, Copyright,      2020

All Rights Reserved

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Studio SHOP Art Collection

Studio & The Visual Walls

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