1-the authentic creativity DESIGN STUDIO program
2-graphic art
3-fine art
coming soon
authentic creativity-
Authentic Creativity is a program that helps individuals navigate a new creative process with self awareness at its core. Authentic Creativity offers a new approach to innovating and problem solving geared to the 21st century with advanced technology, new limitations and new opportunities. We believe everyone offers unique perspectives to problem solving, designing and innovating needed that is needed today to navigate our global society and create a flourishing future for all. By developing the skills needed to be successful in the 21st century, this allows everyone to contribute towards personal, local and global sustainability and wellbeing.
What is Creativity? Where Does Creativity Come From?
Self Awareness & Creating a Strong Foundation Of Self
Critical Skills for a Creative Future: the Art of Thinking, Communicating & Collaborating
Inspiration & Mindset: the Power of Awareness, Thinking & Ideas
Awareness of Universal Creativity: Nature & The Human Body
Awareness of Human Creativity: Great Innovations & Art Forms
Curiosity & The Exposure to Everything: Becoming a Polymath
De-Constructivism - Ourselves, Ideas & the Past to Move Forward
Using the Digital World & Creativity: Moving Forward
Social Impact Opportunities
This program can be customized for organizations looking to enrich and motivate their employees toward growth, productivity, wellbeing and innovation. This works closely with HR to ensure employees are working towards their full potential while adding value and are in alignment to the organization's mission and goals. This process can be incorporated into the Everyday Empowered Environments program for designing conscious 'total' environments.
The BENEFITS of The Creative Process Program help individuals prepare and thrive in the 21st century with:
Digital E.Q.
Creating Space for Creativity
Developing a Strong Sense of Self
21st Century Critical Skills
Creative Thinking
Community Impact & Future Opportunities
graphic studio
We use creativity as a part of the designed environment to bring awareness, wellbeing and innovation into the forefront for people engagement & future empowerment.
Integrated Awareness Design
We use the designed environment as an educational opportunity towards awareness, sustainability and wellbeing.
The Visual Walls
A part of the Everyday Environments Program, we design the culture wall, the innovation wall and the achievement wall.
fine art studio
Art can evoke emotions and contemplation within the human spirit.
It is
significant to provoke creativity and enrichment in designed environments.